We'd Love to Help You Reach Your 2025 Goals

Your Audience Is Our Audience

Reach Thousands Through Our Social Media Presence:






Web Traffic

Organic Media

Paid Media (40,000 + email database and radio media)

Our Audience is Responsive and Poised to Receive Your Message

For Example:

80% Open Rate on emails alone

90% would change a purchase based on Sponsorship

We've got even more impressive stats too, let's chat!

All Sponsors Receive the Following Benefits as a Starting Point

Sampling rights with an activation space

Category exclusivity

Logo placements on assets including promotional material, website, staff

clothing, entrance sign, field of play

Social media posts leading up to the event

Lets Get Started with a Simple Conversation:

contact Kat Kenney

[email protected]


Custom-Built, Bespoke, Personalized:

This is How We Work

By Creating

Unique, Engaging and Creative Activations

Featuring Your Brand and Company

We’re excited to hear about your sales and yearly goals for your

organization, and how we can help you in achieving them.

Some of the Ways We Can Work Together

Branding and Naming Rights

Onsite Activations

Brand Recognition

VIP Opportunities



Experiential Marketing

In other words, we want to hear about your goals and then build

something just for you and your budget.